Tuesday 6 March 2012

Tired Susan

This evening I came home from work at about quarter past six and went straight to bed. The reason for this was because I was very, very tired. I could hardly concentrate in the afternoon and I wondered if I was coming down with something. There are certainly plenty of sickness bugs and colds going around at school, but I'm usually quite good at resisting them, I must have a tremendous immune system! It is a source if pride to me that I haven't been off sick from work for more than five years. I shouldn't feel tired because I got plenty of sleep at the weekend. We had a lovely time on Sunday at Snozone, where to my surprise James has never been. I have skied there with the children and more recently with Jackie. Alison took a lesson because she has never skied before; she made very good progress and was doing snow plough turns by the end of her lesson. Then we all had a pleasant lunch and chat in Bella Italia. James seemed rather annoyed when he found that I had taken to my bed but I was too sleepy to care and in fact I slept from half past six until ten thirty. So as Mum would have said "I must have needed it!" James was out with his hill-walking club to the pub and arrived in just as I got up so we had a cup of tea together. And now I am back in bed, still tired so let's hope I get my energy back by the morning! 

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