Saturday 3 March 2012

All by myself

After my busy week I firmly declined James' offer to go hill-walking; today was Willie's last Corbett, Ben Donich. Ally and Davie went with James, and as a result I have had a day by myself, which almost never happens. Now I don't mean to sound ungrateful for the lively company of my family, and I certainly wouldn't want always to be alone, however I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my day so far. This is what I have done:
1. Had a very long lie in - I won't say when I got up in case James reads this.
2. Spent some quality time with Jack the cat doing some patting and head scratching.
3. Did a washing and hung it up.
4. Set off the dishwasher and unloaded it.
5. Had a very interesting phone conversation with a friend (without anyone shouting "Are you still on the phone?" or "Where are you?")
6. Went out and bought some food for the next few days.
7. Ordered a scout shirt for Ally.
8. Had a coffee and a raspberry jelly from Marks and Spencer's.
9. Read my book (Caitlin Moran).
10. Watched an episode of "One Born Every Minute" (a programme about giving birth which is universally hated by the Anderson boys).
Update at 6 p.m. - well they are all back and the house is a lot noisier. It's great to see them - but I had a great day. James asked what I have done today and I said "I have had a day off!" 

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