Friday 9 March 2012

Hoping for the best

Ten hours after we saw her into her house after our cinema outing, Grandma was found unconscious in her bed by her cleaning lady. An ambulance was called; Marjory contacted me; I contacted James (with some difficulty, because his phone was still on silent since the film last night). We all met up at the hospital, and Forrest joined us as soon as he could get away from work. A very worrying day ensued. Tests and scans were carried out. We all chatted and talked to Grandma (hoping that she could hear us) and drank vile coffee. I was able to pop back to work from time to time to check that everything was ok. Gradually it seems that Grandma has started to improve, however the next few days will be crucial. Jamie came to see her and so did Ally and Davie, they were so upset to see her so ill. We are all hoping for the best. 

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