Thursday 15 March 2012

The Marquetry Kit

James left the house at five o'clock this morning to travel to London, but unfortunately his flight was cancelled due to fog in London so he came back home briefly and then headed in to work. Poor James, this meant it took him three and a half hours in total to get to work only three miles away! I had a great day at work, busy but rewarding, and I even remembered to buy superglue for Davie on the way home (something to do with a games controller broken during a brotherly fight). Then James and I watched two excellent episodes of Mad Men; we are now into Series 4 and it just gets better and better! James was saying, "Are you glad I got you that for Christmas?" and I said "Oh yes it's much better than the marquetry kit!" Ally asked what I meant and I explained to him that once, about twenty-five years ago, James got me a marquetry kit as part of my Christmas present. This would have been a good present for someone more dexterous and less clumsy than myself, but despite my stalwart efforts the wood was soon soaked with my blood and was declared James' least successful present ever! Ally loved this story and laughed uproariously. As I write this James is round visiting Grandma, and Alasdair is watching a football match between Manchester City and Sporting Lisbon. I asked him why the team is called "Sporting" Lisbon and he said it is to distinguish them from a neighbouring team called "Less Sporting Lisbon" which I thought was very funny! 

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