Sunday 11 March 2012

I love William Boyd

Last night James, Heather, Ewan and I went to hear William Boyd speaking at Aye Write; what a treat! For a start he is absolutely gorgeous; he looks like a cross between the actors Bill Nighy and Bill Pullman, and his lovely voice is very like Colin Firth's. And he is a great speaker; so relaxed and interesting and humorous and informative. And he is so cultured and well-read and well-travelled and has written so many great novels! Tired out from the worry over his Mum's illness, James slept through most of the talk; he has not read any William Boyd novels and joked that he would put his hand up during the question and answer session and ask "Who the hell are you?" James however perked up for our curry in Mother India, it's years since we have been there and it was a very special meal, absolutely delicious. Later we went for a pleasant drink and a good chat, it was an excellent evening! This morning I had a lovely long lie then pottered around the house while James and the boys did some gardening. More good news; Grandma is so recovered that she may be allowed home tomorrow! We won't find out until after ward rounds tomorrow morning. So a weekend that started rather badly has turned out very well! 

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