Monday 26 March 2012

I notice that Alasdair is very tall

Ally, who will be eighteen on Wednesday, has suddenly become very tall. James and I always used to refer to Ally and Davie as "the wee guys" because they were so tiny compared to Jamie (who is four years older than Ally and five and a half years older then Davie). But this evening I noticed that Ally is now slightly taller than James, who is six feet tall. I can't believe it - Ally has always been this wee skinny boy with curly red hair; I used to carry him around in my arms, and now he is a young man, still slim but quite muscly, and way taller than me. I also think that he is becoming more tolerant of me.
Today was another absolutely beautiful day, unseasonably warm with record temperatures for Scotland in March: 22.9C in Aberdeenshire and about 19.5C in the Glasgow area. It was a very busy day and I didn't manage to get outside apart from a short time at lunch time, but I think the good weather is cheering everyone up. I gave Caroline a lift home after parents' night and the sky was a beautiful gold colour around the setting sun.
This evening we watched the last two episodes of Mad Men Series 4, and it was tremendously good! Watching Mad Men has been great fun over the last three months and I can't wait to see the new series, which is just about to be shown on Sky Atlantic. Unfortunately we don't have that channel but I may try to subscribe to it online if that's possible. 

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