Tuesday 27 March 2012

Back in my hammock

Today I felt quite tired and found it hard to summon up my usual enthusiasm at work. So I was glad to head home and since the weather is still glorious I dived straight into my hammock as soon as I arrived. I got my hammock from John Lewis for about £70 in 2006 and I have certainly had my money's worth out of it. It has its own metal frame so it's easy to set up, and it's made of a nice dark green canvas. In our Scottish climate it is not a year round pleasure, but it is wonderful when I do use it, so comfy and relaxing. I love to lie in it and read while glancing up at the blue sky, with or without white clouds. Half an hour in my hammock restored my spirits.
A further treat was in store for us after tea thanks to Ally, who downloaded - guess what - the first (double) episode of Mad Men Series 5! It did not disappoint! 

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