Wednesday 28 March 2012

Happy Birthday Alasdair!

Alasdair is 18 years old today! We had a birthday tea for him including Grandma and Cat, and it was good fun. Cat had made a birthday cake for him; it was a delicious chocolate cake and it was beautifully decorated too - white icing with Happy Birthday Alasdair piped onto it in blue and a little golden saxophone made out of icing. Cat had also brought indoor fireworks for the cake which were excellent - the smoke alarm went off! We all sang Happy Birthday. Cat is definitely Ally's girlfriend again.
Later I went to my EK book club which was, as ever, a really good laugh. When we discussed the book - American Wife - I mentioned how I had enjoyed the short stories. It was only when everyone else looked puzzled that I realised that I had downloaded the wrong book onto my kindle! There are evidently two books with the same title and the one I should have read is by Curtis Sittenfeld, about the life of a (fictional) American President's wife. The hazards of a kindle! I checked later and the Curtis Sittenfeld book is not yet available on kindle, so that's why only one novel appeared when I searched for the title, and I didn't notice that it was not the correct author! A very pleasant evening. 

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