Wednesday 21 March 2012

Grade 8 boy

After work I went over to visit Philippa at her gorgeous flat, which is her Glasgow residence when she is in Scotland. I loved it; it is modern, beautifully decorated and even has a balcony. It's handy for everything and is the ideal urban pad, always ready for the family when they need it. Philippa had prepared a delicious afternoon tea and we had a great time chatting. It has been so good to be able to see her twice during this visit. I also met Blair for the first time in years, he is a very pleasant and handsome young man. Alasdair texted to tell me some excellent news; he has passed his Grade 8 saxophone exam with merit, I was delighted and so was James (who was in London today, and bought Ally some Union Jack cuff links from his favourite shop Charles Tyrwhitt to celebrate!). In his text Ally said "I'm so happy I got it :D" I am very proud of Ally; achieving Grade 8 in a musical instrument is no mean feat and to do so with merit is a brilliant culmination of his school musical career. Playing the saxophone well is a skill he can now take forward and enjoy in his adult life. Ally's ex girlfriend Cat came over to bake a cake with him in the evening. I'm not sure what is the significance of this - is the romance back on? No doubt time will tell. 

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