Thursday 8 March 2012

Jack and the wood pigeon

Ally told me that he saw Jack rushing up to the windows in the back room this morning (safely behind the glass!) to scare away a large wood pigeon that was walking about outside. Our hero! Jack was so excited by this triumph that he became very skittish and ran around the back room like a kitten, pausing only to give his scratching post a good ripping. A good day at work, my job may be tiring but I do enjoy it! In the evening James and I took Grandma to a film that she has been wanting to see; The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. The cast comprised a bunch of top old luvvies playing retired people who end up in a dubious retirement hotel in India. It was very good - not surprising given the calibre of the actors - and Dame Judi Dench and Maggie Smith totally stole the show. We all enjoyed it. Jennifer had some exciting news for me, of which more tomorrow. 

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