Sunday 18 March 2012

A Lovely Mothers Day

Oh what a lovely day I have had! A pleasant long lie in my bed was followed by breakfast in bed made by David. I received cards from James and the boys, a beautiful arrangement of Spring flowers including my favourites - freesias. And James phoned from Strontian to tell me that there was an extra present hidden in my bedside table was a gorgeous Aubade slip which I had seen in the Galeries Lafayette in Paris, and which James had tracked down on the Internet! I was delighted. David and I collected Grandma and we went to Forrest and Marjory's for Mother's Day lunch. Grandma was very sleepy - perhaps her medication? But she enjoyed the occasion and we had really nice afternoon chatting with the family, and looking at all the children's pets. When we took her home she was exhausted and fell asleep in her chair straight away. James arrived home at about four o'clock; his face was sunburned from his weekend of hill-walking and he showed us his photos. Ally arrived home from his Duke of Edinburgh Practice weekend just as tea was ready, he was telling us that it was very windy and they had to change route. His group have planned their qualifying expedition which will be at the end of June; they are going to paddle round the west side of Mull, camping on remote beaches. James, Ally and Davie were all delighted that Kilmarnock beat Celtic in the League Cup, which means that Celtic won't win the treble. I think this is some comfort to the boys after Rangers' recent financial trouble. In the evening Jamie phoned to wish me a happy Mother's Day, we had a nice chat, he is nearly finished his big project and it is hard going. I should also mention that my furry boy has been very loving to me all day, rubbing against my legs and sitting on my lap. So all of my boys have been good to me. 

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