Friday 30 March 2012

Last Day of Term

It's the Easter holidays and Ally, Davie and I celebrated it in our different ways. I enjoyed a curry from Shimla Pinks and watched an episode of Dirk Gently with James. A quiet but pleasant evening which suited us because we were both quite tired. Ally went to the Rangers "Legends" game which he thoroughly enjoyed; it was played by retired players who are all well known. The only goal was scored by Ally McCoist who, Ally tells me, put on a brief burst of speed that took all the other players by surprise. It was sold out; Gavin had predicted correctly that there would be a last minute rush for tickets because of the fine weather. Ally and his friend Callum were sitting beside my colleagues because Gavin had very kindly got them the tickets. David was also out for the evening; it was his last day at Belmont and he went over to Springfield Quay with his good friends Assad, Joshua and Stuart. They went bowling and then to the cinema to see "The Hunger Games" which he said was quite good. Then they had something to eat; he came home very happy with his evening. Both boys came into our room to tell us all about their evenings; I thought was really nice that they wanted to do that. 

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