Tuesday 20 March 2012

Nearly Spring

This morning when I opened the back door the ground was wet but there was a warm wind blowing. The season is on the change. Jack cat hesitated at the door but headed outside for his morning routine; on very cold and wet days he stares out through the cat flap for ages trying to decide whether or not to brave the elements. Alasdair's Grade 8 saxophone exam was today, when he got home he said that he wasn't too happy about how it went; he made mistakes that he hadn't made while practising and the examiner had been very stern, breathing in sharply whenever Ally made an error!
I heard a terrible news item this evening about an unarmed black teenager in Florida, who was followed, confronted and shot to death as he screamed for help, by a "neighbourhood watch volunteer". And the man who did it has not even been charged, because he claims that it was self defence. Residents made phone calls to the emergency services because of the noise of the fight, and in the background can be heard the sound of the boy screaming, followed by the gunshots. It made me feel really angry. 

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