Saturday 17 March 2012

An evening out with my son

I went into work to get some admin done in the morning - peace perfect peace without staff or pupils and I got loads done. Then after lunch Davie and I took Grandma for a short shopping trip; her first outing since she came out of hospital. James is hill-walking and Ally is on a Duke of Edinburgh practice weekend. We went to a small Marks and Spencer and took it slowly; she did really well but was not steady on her feet, she has lost confidence I think. We got all of her shopping and had a cup of tea and a quick visit to Boots before heading home. Hopefully she will gradually build up her strength again. David is lovely to her, he is such a kind person. Later David and I went into town, intending to go to our usual restaurant - TGIF. However to our disappointment there was an hour and a half waiting time, so we went to Prezzo instead and had a nice meal there. David had an "Italian Burger" and he said it was good but "lacked something" - obviously not up to the standard of TGIF! There was a mirrored pillar beside our table so we had fun creating optical illusions (in the style of Harry Worth but just with our faces). We then made our way up to Cineworld in Renfrew Street to see a film chosen by David - 21 Jump Street. I accidentally bought 3D glasses in the mistaken belief that it was a 3D film, which David thought was very funny! The film was absolutely hilarious and also quite rude! There was an unexpected cameo by Johnny Depp, and we both really enjoyed it. Like many of the teenagey films that I have watched with my sons, the outrageous comedy was underpinned by quite a strong moral message! On the way home in the car David played me a selection of his favourite music and told me where and when he first heard it. I love Davie's company. 

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