Friday 2 March 2012

A fitting tribute

It was my Uncle Dougie's funeral today. James and I travelled by plane to Gatwick with Janie and Bill; Jennifer and Russell met us at the airport and we all went for a coffee before going to the crematorium which was nearby. The funeral service and the subsequent lunch at Doug's golf club were a very good send off for a fine man who I will remember with great affection. I was glad that I went to pay my respects to him. All of his five children and eleven of his twelve grandchildren were there (one of them, Thomas, is currently serving in the army in Afghanistan). It was well attended by Doug's extended family and friends and he would have loved it, I always think it's a pity that people miss their own funeral lunches because all their friends and family are there. I felt that about my own parents' funerals too. Later Jennifer and Russell gave us a lift back to the airport where we had a bit of a shock when we went to board the plane because it turned out that Janie and Bill should actually have been on the previous flight! Luckily there were two seats left on the plane and Janie was escorted back to the sales desk at speed to change the tickets; we made it on to the plane just in time! Considering that I have done so little today, I am absolutely exhausted! 

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