Sunday 25 March 2012

Basking in the Spring sunshine

Today was warm and sunny all day and I'm glad to say that we totally made the most of it. James and I had intended to walk another part of the Ayrshire Coastal Path but we ended up sleeping in a bit, partly because of the clocks going forward and partly because we were at a party last night at Lesley and Jonathan's. We had a great time at the party, however with the time change we ended up going to sleep at about two in the morning so no wonder we didn't get up early! So we went for a walk round Strathclyde Park instead and it was a very pleasant hour, although almost too warm. We picked up some herbs at a garden centre on the way home and James did some gardening while I rested in my hammock. I did hold the ladder while he put the trellis back up for my honeysuckle. David went to the Old Firm game with Gavin and to his delight Rangers won 3-2, he was full of the joys! Ally arrived home from his party (he had slept over) and washed the outside of all the windows with the long poles. We all had a barbecue later with Grandma, the first of the season! It was amazing to sit out in the garden in the warm evening sunshine. Let's hope that we have lots more warm days this year. 

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