Friday 1 May 2020

A Shed with a View

Susan’s Shed is ready! At my request James has tacked bunting onto its eaves and nailed a sign (“Susan’s Shed” of course!) to the door. It looks very pretty, like a wee Swiss chalet. Without any heating or lighting it will be strictly seasonal, so I have started using it straight away. I spent some of this afternoon in it, drawing and writing, and enjoying the view of the garden. Davie arrived to have a look at the finished interior, and of course couldn’t resist locking me in. I didn’t realise that he had unbolted the door shortly afterwards, so I stayed inside for ages waiting to be set free. Finally I pushed the door and it just swung open!
Now that he has spruced up our garden and planted all of his vegetables, James has made a start on Grandma’s garden. He spent the morning digging the flower beds and I brought him a cup of tea at 11 and we sat on the garden steps with the sun heating our backs and had a nice chat. 

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