Monday 25 May 2020

My Cotoneaster is Buzzing

Some of my book club friends have commented on our “group chat” that the cotoneasters in their gardens are covered with bees. I took a look at ours today and sure enough it was full of bees, who were buzzing very loudly. Our friend and bee expert, Doreen, explained that its little flowers are nectar and pollen rich. The bees certainly love it!
It was very mild today and I had a pleasant walk around the streets; the trees and hedges are so green and summery now. James mentioned the saying “Ne’er cast a clout till May is oot” which means don’t take off your warm clothes until the May tree has bloomed - the May tree is the hawthorn, of which there are plenty blossoming beautifully around here. Later I had a chat on Zoom with my lovely school friends - more than fifty years since we met and we still have plenty to chat about! 

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