Friday 15 May 2020

Cats in Quarantine

I wonder what the cats must make of James, me, Ally, Cat and Davie, being at home all of the time. The cats’ view of the world has long been a subject of debate between James and me. He tends to think that the cats very much live in the moment and are motivated to seek food, water, warmth, and the protection of their human / cat tribe. I, on the other hand, feel that in addition to all of that the cats feel affection, irritation, have a sense of fun, have habits and preferences, and understand much more than we realise. Flora for example often watches television attentively for prolonged periods. They also have favourite places around the house and garden to which they like to return; this is more than just finding the right temperature, Flora arrives in our bedroom every morning to lie in a particular shaft of sunlight, it’s like her wee ritual. And she’s currently trying to train me to feed her on the utility room ledge instead of (more hygienically) on the floor. Why there, and why has she decided recently that this would be a good thing? They rotate around their favourite places too - sometimes Tom prefers the couch in my study, sometimes it’s our bed. Flora likes the sheepskin rug at the big windows in the back room, but also the back of the couch. There are also places that they both like; in winter there has been much conflict over the warm pipes under the floor of the top hall.
They also definitely have different moods - sometimes relaxed, sometimes loving, sometimes skittish and playful. Take for example the exaggerated double takes they do, for example when our much missed wee Ruby found a frog in the garden. She approached it then jumped back with her front legs straight and her eyes wide, before pouncing on it. But she had seen frogs in the garden before; I think her “what have we here?” body language was all part of the fun to her.
Cat says that some days Tom comes into the lounge and relaxes quietly on the couch while she is working, but other times he is naughty and stares at her then runs about.
Recently Cat noticed Flora behaving strangely at the lounge window. James had been posting a letter, and as he approached the house and walked up the driveway, Flora growled at him through the glass, and hissed loudly as he got nearer. We were all puzzled by this so decided to experiment by taking turns sneaking out of the house and then walking up the driveway. Sure enough, Flora growled at all of us. As soon as we entered the house she greeted us in a friendly manner. How strange. Some instinct regarding her territory being encroached upon perhaps? 

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