Wednesday 6 May 2020

Sunshine during the pandemic

The weather forecast informed us that today would be hot and sunny, and so it was. I got the hammock out in the morning and used it all day on and off. James was inspired to get out his macro lens and took photos of blossom and flowers in the garden. There was not a cloud in the sky and I was stunned by the beauty of nature. This put me into a reflective mood; I have had time to do various activities over the last few weeks that I would never have got round to under normal circumstances, just small things like collating Grandma’s recipes for her grandchildren, or updating my journals. Most of all I have spent more time recently with family than I could possibly have anticipated, and that has been great. But this has come at the huge price of a pandemic in which many people are dying, and our Jamie is on the other side of the world in these dangerous times. It is all so strange and scary.
We had another barbecue for dinner and it was just delightful eating outside and chatting; Cat and I had spicy peanut burgers and the boys had chicken and beef burgers. For dessert I filled little tartlets with lemon curd, each topped with a raspberry (Cat’s suggestion) and they were very tasty. 

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