Sunday 17 May 2020

Corona Manners

I have noticed a quarantine etiquette during my many walks around our neighbourhood over the last month and a half. People politely swerve to opposing sides of the path to distance themselves from each other in the park. In doing so, we nod and smile ruefully at the situation in which we find ourselves. When we pass people on the streets, the convention is for one person to step onto the road as we pass, providing that it’s safe without traffic whizzing past, or even to cross the road to the opposite pavement. The person who has stayed on the pavement says “Thank you” or at least mouths it with a smile. Sometimes a short exchange of pleasantries takes place; “What’s this like?” “That’s me taking my daily exercise!” “At least the weather’s good!” concluding with “Take care!” or “Stay safe!”
Yesterday as James and I passed the care home at the top of Greenlees Road, we noticed a couple of about our own age standing outside, talking to one of the residents through the window, which was cracked open just a little so that they could hear each other. While I found this very moving, I noted that I didn’t find it surprising. Families being separated by Coronavirus has become the norm for us now.
In other news, it’s summer duvet time at Casa Anderson! Always a moment for celebration, we have officially moved into the summer season. 

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