Saturday 16 May 2020

French Film Friday

It was a bit overcast today but that didn’t stop James and me from getting out for a walk. We headed to Gilbertfield and then onwards to Dechmont Hill. We tried to find a more gentle slope up from the firing range but ended up climbing up a steep slope again! At least it was short, and soon we were taking in the views from the top of the hill. We walked home via the more civilised slopes of the golf course. It was very quiet, I think that other walkers had perhaps been put off by the rain shower that happened just before we set off. 
Last night Cat, James and I watched another French film; L’Appartement, starring Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci. It makes me so happy that Cat watches films with me; we have watched quite a few French films together over the years as well as during quarantine. L’Appartement was made in 1995, and in fact its two stars sparked up a romance, and later married and had two daughters, although they are divorced now. In the film you can certainly see a chemistry between them. The film had some good moments but the plot was very convoluted which was kind of irritating. James managed to stay awake throughout, which is not always the case when he watches a French film - and even pointed out that there were parallels between the film and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” - I was genuinely impressed because I hadn’t picked up on it myself and he was quite right. 
Later Cat showed me some YouTube videos about fashion; it’s a whole other world and it was fascinating. 

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