Thursday 7 May 2020

Comfy bottom

I was back out cycling with James this morning; we headed up the Clyde Walkway towards Blantyre and turned off the path close to Newton to loop back to Cambuslang, about 11 km. The roads are still fairly quiet due to the lockdown so I felt quite confident about cycling on them, although I preferred the traffic free paths. The wildflowers were pretty beside the path, and James spotted a deer down in a field beside the river near Newton, although I couldn’t see it over the foliage because according to James I’m too much of a “short-arse!”
Talking of my posterior, it has never been so comfy when cycling as it is in the cycling shorts that I purchased last year. There is no bottom pain at all, it’s like sitting on a giant marshmallow. In the words of one of the reviews we looked at when browsing the various makes and models, “My arse and bollocks are in heaven.” This review was clearly written by a man so of course does not fully apply to me. I’m not actually quite sure whether the ones we bought are shorts or pants, because both descriptions are on the packaging. However I have chosen to wear them on the outside of my leggings, a bit like a cross between Superman and a baboon. Who cares about appearances when you have a happy rear end? 

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