Tuesday 12 May 2020

In the shed with Flora

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and his partner, the musician “Grimes,” a seriously weird couple, have apparently named their new baby X Æ A-12. The last part of this, A-12, is named after a high altitude reconnaissance aircraft which was built under a secret project for the CIA. It was the predecessor of the SR71 Blackbird. Elon and Grimes say that it is their favourite aeroplane. I do hope that the American equivalent of Child and Family Services are keeping a very close eye on the Musk family.
It did get me wondering what our residents air enthusiast, James, would have named our children if he was going to name them after his favourite planes, so I asked him. It didn’t take him long to come up with the answers. They would have been Jaguar Jamie, Vulcan Alasdair, and Valkyrie David.
In other news, I spent a couple of hours in Susan’s Shed this afternoon being creative. I took Flora with me and was gratified that she chose to stay with me, even though I left the door open so that she could leave if she wished. She curled up and had a nap on a cushion; it was very companionable. 

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