Monday 4 May 2020

Bluebells by the river

This morning James persuaded me to go for a cycle along the Clyde Walkway with him. I had my doubts about the outing because James is much faster than me and also he wanted to ride all the way to Glasgow Green and back which I felt would be too much for my current level of fitness. We compromised by cycling the shorter distance to the Cuningar Loop instead - it was 16 km there and back. I have been walking down by the river a few times but I have to admit that it was very pleasant to whiz along on my bicycle. James had told me that there were bluebells on the riverbank, which I hadn’t seen on my walks to the east, and sure enough there were some bright patches of blue as we sped along. There was lots of wild garlic too with its strong scent, and we could also smell freshly cut wood from the timber yard at Clydesmill Industrial Estate. We saw a robin and a few blue tits and some crows. There were some goosanders bobbing about on the river and a crowd of seagulls sitting on a weir. James thinks that the seagulls have been driven out to the suburbs by the lack of food debris in the almost completely closed city centre. The trees are getting leafier and greener by the day and the views from the path were very pretty. The Clyde meanders in huge loops between Cambuslang and the City Centre, so although it is pleasantly traffic free it is a very indirect route. But we weren’t in a hurry and in due course we arrived at the recently created urban woodland park known as the Cuningar Loop. I have never crossed the bridge into the little park before and it was interesting to explore, it would be nice place to relax for a while on a sunny day like today. But of course due to lockdown restrictions we are not currently allowed to linger anywhere, so after a swift drink from my water bottle we set off homewards. I was tired by the time we arrived home but gratified to have been spotted by two different friends as I cycled past them. I would like two think that they assumed that I cycle regularly, although my red face and heavy breathing may have given me away. 

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