Friday 8 May 2020

Super Flower Moon

I have just been out in the garden looking at the Super Flower Moon. 
It is Super because it appears bigger than the usual full moon due to the moon being at its closest to Earth (which is called its Perigee - that word always reminds me of the spell that turns humans to animals in the film Bedknobs and Broomsticks) *. And it is called Flower because of all the May spring flowers. I hadn’t realised that full moon names like Hunter’s Moon or Wolf Moon depend on the month.
Ally came out onto the patio to watch it too, and it looked fantastic - very big and light with clouds scudding across its face very fast. It must be very windy high in the atmosphere, but in the garden it was strangely still, the bushes and trees were absolutely motionless. Needless to say, Tom and Floof joined us outside, strolling around companionably on the grass and the wall near us. The dark holds no fears for them, not that it was very dark anyway due to the bright moonlit sky and clouds.
Cat has been knitting a jumper for Tom and she finished it this evening while we watched a film starring the excellent French actress, Juliette Binoche. Cat and I have been watching some French films together during the lockdown, and I had assumed that, due to its star being Mme Binoche, this one would also be en français. But alas we realised quickly it was one of her American films! We watched it anyway (it was called Words and Pictures) and it was quite interesting in a quirky way. Anyway, Cat finished the jumper and David helped her to slip Tom’s front legs and head into it; Tom resisted a bit but he’s such a good-natured furry boy that he was soon resplendent in his teal and white jumper and looked very smart.

* Filigree, Apogee, Pedigree, Perigee. 

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