Saturday 9 May 2020

Family photos

It’s a very warm day today, but there is enough of a breeze that I thought my daily 5 km walk would be quite pleasant. How wrong I was. I had underestimated how overheated I would become, and the warm breeze just made me feel more dehydrated, even though I was swigging from my water bottle constantly. It wasn’t all bad though; it was nice to explore around Kirkhill and Westburn and then return along the river, where every day there are even more wild flowers. I like getting to know all the wee secret paths around our area that I have never found before, even though I have lived here almost all of my life. I was however very glad to get home and jump into my hammock, placed strategically in the shade, and slowly to cool down.
Suzy passed two copies of photographs through the hedge to me (keeping 2 metres apart of course!) Her Gran had looked them out for me. One was a photo of the five Russell brothers in 1919 (my Grandpa William and her father Andrew were two of the brothers), all looking very young and handsome. The other photo was taken in the mid 1920s, of my Grandpa William with my Grandma (Jen), my Aunt Margaret aged about seven and my Dad aged about five, looking extremely cherubic. They were lovely pictures which I have not seen before and I felt very happy, I love seeing photos of my Dad. I was impressed that my Dad was wearing a jacket and waistcoat with a pair of shorts; the family all looked very smart and must have dressed up for the photo. 

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