Thursday 28 May 2020

Phase 1 - moving out of lockdown

The weather today was absolutely glorious, and, apart from some essential housework, I spent most of the day outside. We put up both hammocks in the garden and we all had lunch outside. James and I went for a walk at the Cuningar Loop in the morning, where we saw lots of other people out enjoying the sunshine, but they were all behaving themselves and keeping well apart.
This evening we all went outside to clap for the NHS for the last time; it has been ten weeks since it started and the person who started it has suggested that ten weeks is sufficient and that we should stop rather than tail off. As hoped, tomorrow Scotland will be moving into Phase 1 of easing the lockdown. The biggest change is that sitting down or picnicking in parks will be permitted, as well as socialising in parks or even in people’s gardens, as long as social distancing is observed.
The evening was so warm that we stayed out in the garden for ages, chatting and reading. Alasdair and Cat, however, appeared outside with a barbell set and embarked on a vigorous weights session on the grass! Oh to be young! Not that I used weights even when I was young! 

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