Thursday 30 April 2020

Thirty-eight days of quarantine

So here we are on the last day of April. What a month it has been - we have never known anything like it. We have been in lockdown for 38 days now, since the evening of 23rd March. There are as yet no clear directions about how and when the lockdown will be eased off; there seem to be so many conflicting opinions. Yesterday Boris Johnson’s partner Carrie Symonds gave birth to a baby boy and this afternoon Boris is going to lead the daily briefing to the nation for the first time since he fell ill with Covid-19. Yesterday the government started including deaths in care homes into the daily statistics, backdated to the start of April, which has increased the total numbers from about 20000 to just over 26000. Today is Captain Tom’s 100th birthday - he is the 2nd World War veteran who has now raised more than £30 million for charity by walking laps of his garden on his walking frame; he is being honoured by an RAF fly past and has been promoted to honorary Colonel as well as getting a personal message from the Queen.
It has been cooler and a bit rainy over the last few days, but as I write this the sun has come out and I can see patches of blue sky appearing. I have been thinking about my parents a lot with regard to the pandemic and quarantine - what would they have made of all this? Like Captain Tom, both lived through the 2nd World War so I think they would have compared it to the restrictions and rules that they had during those wartime years, and they would have reminisced about the war - they used to do that a lot anyway! If my Dad was still alive he would be ninety-eight this Sunday, and my Mum would now be eighty-eight. I miss their stories. 

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