Tuesday 14 April 2020


On Sunday I organised an Easter Egg hunt in the garden for Ally, Cat and Davie. This once annual tradition is no longer a regular occurrence at Casa Anderson now that the boys are all grown up, however I thought that it would be a fun thing to do this year during our lockdown. It was a lovely sunny day and they all totally entered into the spirit of it - there was much laughter and rivalry.
The beautiful weather has continued all Easter weekend; yesterday Cat took the exercise bike outside into the garden and pedalled away in the sunshine, and Ally and Davie were kicking a ball about the garden. David made pizzas and we all decorated our own, it was good fun and the results were delicious. Ally then created a selection of cocktails including a “quarantini” - which is simply a martini drunk during quarantine!
The news about Covid-19 is still grim with the lockdown probably going to continue for at least another couple of weeks. As might be expected due to the pandemic there have been many more deaths than usual in the UK at this time of year - but surprisingly (to me), more than 40% of these deaths are apparently not caused by Covid-19. One theory for this is that people aren’t seeking treatment for other conditions. When we were chatting via FaceTime with Heather and Ewan on Sunday (which Alasdair cheekily referred time as our “play date”), Ewan pointed out that when the number of deaths from Covid-19 begins to decrease, there may come a tipping point where more deaths are caused than prevented by the quarantine. Or the increase in deaths could be due to the other current issue in the news, which is that the statistics are currently based only on people who have been tested for the virus - so this doesn’t include quite a lot of elderly people who have been dying in care homes without being tested. This will likely affect the numbers. So the government and health experts have an extremely complicated situation and are going to have to make some very difficult decisions. I don’t envy them. 

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