Saturday 25 April 2020

First BBQ of 2020

Yes, today we had our first barbecue of the year and it was great fun. We have been trying to make our Saturday evenings a bit special even though we are in lockdown. Janes set out the barbecue and I laid out a selection of food, both meat and vegetarian. We also had baked potatoes on the side. It was excellent to be sitting outside for our dinner although by the time we had finished our main course, the heat of the day had dissipated - after all it’s still only April - and we nipped inside sharpish. Ally cooked bananas in their skins stuffed with chocolate, and Ally, Cat and Davie played my “Guess the jelly belly bean?” game, which engendered lots of discussion. Davie proved to be an expert on the beans and scored an amazing 100%! It made me feel that I must have allowed him too many of them as a child! I wished that Chanel could have been there; she is still in Liverpool until lockdown finishes, hopefully soon.
By now we were in the mood for competition so a lively (and lengthy) game of Trivial Pursuit ensued. Oh it was such a close run game! In the end Davie triumphed for the second time this evening and was well pleased with himself. I am really enjoying these family evenings and despite being restricted in our outings I think it is the time spent together at home that I will remember and cherish. 

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