Friday 17 April 2020

Susan’s Shed

Our quarantine is to continue for the next three weeks according to Foreign Minister Dominic Raab at yesterday’s daily briefing by the government. (Dominic Raab is still standing in for Prime Minister Boris Johnson while he recuperates from Covid-19.) This had been rumoured for a couple of days, so it wasn’t a surprise. Today there has been much discussion in the news of what and when our “exit strategy” will be, which makes me feel that at least there is an end in sight to lockdown.
Every Thursday evening at 8 p.m. for the last three weeks, we have been joining in with our neighbours in thanking the NHS workers by clapping outside our front door. This is happening all over the country. Yesterday Alasdair ramped it up a bit by setting off a firework which he happened to have stashed somewhere. We could hear and see other fireworks being set off, as well as people banging on pots and pans and cheering. It feels good to show our appreciation. An amazing and very elderly gentleman called Captain Tom Moore (ninety-nine years old!) started last week to walk the length of his garden 100 times to raise money for NHS charities. He hoped that he could raise £1000.  News travelled fast and, almost unbelievably, Captain Tom has now raised £20 million! He is fantastic.
During the day at Casa Anderson the young folk have been working and studying, and James and I have been going for our daily walks and doing various useful activities around the house.
James is working on a big project, which is very exciting for me. He has been renovating the shed at the back of the garden for my use; he has fixed the floor and has painted the inside of the shed white, and built me a folding table at the window. There is a small balcony at the front beside the magnolia tree, where I can sit outside and do yoga. He is going to put in new windows and I will make wee curtains. I’m going to use it for creative ventures such as drawing, crafts and writing. 

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