Saturday 11 April 2020

Sunny Saturday in Lockdown

It’s an absolutely beautiful day, even warmer and sunnier than the weather forecast. We are all sitting outside in the garden, mindful that we are very lucky to have a garden during lockdown. It must be very difficult to be in a city flat without a balcony, with only the option of one daily walk around the nearby streets. Anyway, we are all engaged in wholesome activities. Ally is listening to music (using headphones) while reading Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence. Cat is knitting a jumper, using some of the large amount of wool and knitting needles that belonged to Grandma. Grandma was a fantastic knitter so I’m delighted that her legacy continues. Davie is watching and listening to a gaming video on his phone. James is building a model plane, and I have been reading and am now blogging. The washing is hanging on the line and the delicious smell of James’ banana loaf is drifting out from the kitchen. It seems like such a lovely day, and yet people are still getting sick and dying of Covid-19 all over the world. It looks like lockdown will continue for at least another couple of weeks. But nature neither knows nor cares about us humans, and every day is getting warmer; the plants are growing and the trees are blossoming. 

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