Sunday 26 April 2020

Stay at Home Haircut

Today was yet another beautiful day. As I sit outside on a garden bench blogging, I can hear the birds singing in the trees and a bee buzzing nearby. Spring flowers are rising up all over the garden; tulips, irises, camellias, hyacinths, cowslips, primroses. The pear trees are covered in white blossom and the magnolia is bedecked in white with touches of pink - it makes me think of a bride. The cherry tree in the front garden is suddenly thick with pink blossom, and even our ancient plum tree has produced a valiant spray of blossom. The lilac tree that we bought a year ago looks as if it is just about to flower. It’s not just our garden that looks beautiful; when I went out for my walk this afternoon there were spring flowers and blossom everywhere. From Holmhills Park the Campsies and the hills beyond in the north seem especially sharply delineated, and I wonder if this is due to a lack of pollution across the city - there are certainly a lot less cars on the roads.
Cat very kindly gave me a haircut this afternoon. I had ordered a set of hairdressing scissors for her online - she has her own set but they are in London. She is very good - she took a couple of inches off the length and it is sitting very nicely. I am delighted with it. 

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