Tuesday 28 April 2020

Yoga Tuesday

This evening Cat and I had our Tuesday yoga session, courtesy of Cat’s work yoga group. Her teacher moved to weekly online sessions now that they can’t meet in the office, and it’s all set up via Zoom so that the teacher can see the class on her screen and vice versa. I find it quite strenuous and there are some moves that I really can’t do - at one point they lift themselves up onto their hands from a crouching position, which requires both balance and strength. I can tackle most of it though, and I feel all the better for it. I was a bit wary this evening because it’s only the second time that I have tried yoga since I hurt my back again last week. However I had no pain during the class, and still no repercussions now so I’m very pleased. The highlight for me was when the teacher asked Cat if I was her sister! Either the image on the screen can’t have been very clear or perhaps the teacher was too tactful to ask if I was Cat’s granny - I thought it was hilarious and boasted about it to the boys later.
When we were finished, James had dinner all ready for us and Ally made cocktails; daiquiris this time. James had also made his delicious lemon madeira cake using flour that I managed to source in Sainsbury’s yesterday. Who would have thought that flour would have become such a highly sought after commodity? 

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