Sunday 5 April 2020

Saturday Night In

I’m sitting up rather late - very late in fact - because I had a massive curry this evening and I still feel very full. When will I ever learn? Anyway, we had a lovely evening. We had a Zoom video chat with Heather and Ewan earlier. It was strange to be talking to them via a screen, however it was very nice to see them - it’s the first time we have seen them since before we went to New Zealand in February. Although we had heard about the Coronavirus then, none of us realised just what a huge impact it was going to have in our lives. Well actually one person in the family did predict it, and that was Davie, who as a Biochemist and Infection Biologist, warned us at the start of the year that it would possibly become a pandemic.
Shortly after our chat, Ally, Davie and Cat arrived home from their state sanctioned walk - they had gone for a long circuit of the local area and were ready for a curry. Sadly we weren’t the only ones with this idea, and our usual curry shop were so busy that they were no longer taking orders! However we managed to order from our second choice which happens to be James’ least favourite Indian takeaway, due to previous bad experiences. Tonight’s curry was decent though, and we had a jolly meal followed by a couple of fiercely competitive games of Linkee. James sloped off to bed quite early - no wonder he was tired, as he gets up to go for his walk at 6.30 a.m. every morning! Which reminds me, I need to go to bed despite my ongoing heartburn.
One more thing - I have finished The Mirror and the Light by Hilary Mantel. I had actually been dreading the ending as things inevitably started to go wrong for Cromwell. So I read the last quarter of the book last night and I was glad to finish it because it was so sad, even though I had really enjoyed it. I hate Henry VIII. 

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