Wednesday 1 April 2020

Spring Rhubarb

James has brought Grandma’s rhubarb plants across to our house and planted them in the garden beside our own. Last night we ate rhubarb crumble made with tender early season rhubarb, served with custard. It was absolutely delicious.
We are in a sort of quarantine routine here at Casa Anderson. Ally, Cat and David start early and work hard all day. They work really long hours. James and I take exercise by going for walks in the morning (separately because James gets up very early for his walk) and then he works in the garden and I do various projects around the house. We all gather for lunch in the back room then the young ones go back to work while James and I have a chat over a cup of tea. Then later on James pours pre dinner drinks which signal the start of our evening. After dinner we play a board game or watch a film or some of a box set.
Yesterday Cat and I did online yoga again. I felt much more lively than I did last week so I got more out of it. It’s really strong stuff compared with what I have done before and some of the moves were very challenging. Cat was extremely good at it. the teacher could see us all via the computer camera so could tell us to adjust our moves. I felt really energised afterwards.
This evening I used the Zoom app to link up with my EK book group. It was lovely to see their faces, each in its own little box down the side of the screen, and we had a good chat. Whenever someone spoke their face would come up on the main screen. The wonders of technology! 

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