Monday 6 April 2020

The Queen and Boris and Ian

Yesterday evening the Queen addressed the nation, for only the fifth time in her 68 year reign (apart from her annual Christmas speeches of course.) We gathered in the television room to listen to her. Her message was serious but hopeful; it felt almost like a wartime speech. She mentioned that our national spirit is symbolised by the rainbows drawn by children - the rainbow drawn for me by lovely Archie is proudly displayed on our lounge window. Her closing words were, “We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return; we will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again.”
Only about an hour later came the news that Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has been treated in 10 Downing Street for Covid-19 for the past ten days or so, had just been taken to hospital. While the Health Secretary Matt Hancock, who was diagnosed at about the same time, had mostly recovered after about a week, Boris’ symptoms have persisted and worsened.
This evening Boris was taken to Intensive Care. Apparently he is not on a ventilator but has been taken there in case he needs one. It’s very worrying and, along with all of the other Coronavirus patients in hospital, I wish him all the best. 
And much nearer to home, Ian Wilson, who was one of the janitors at Airdrie Academy when I worked there in the 1990s, died of Covid on 29th March. I saw this on the BBC News and recognised him instantly. Although I hadn't seen him for many years I was very sorry to hear it; he was a really nice man. I let Margaret N know and she was sad too. 

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