Saturday 18 April 2020

Cocktails and Curry

During quarantine we have got into the habit of having a takeaway curry each Saturday evening. Currently all of our evenings are of course being spent at Casa Anderson in the very pleasant company of Ally, Cat and Davie. On Saturday we order our curry and then watch a film together. We have to order it very early because demand is extremely high at the moment, after all nobody can go to a restaurant, so it takes ages. Needless to say, Alasdair mixes some cocktails before dinner; today he made tequila sunrises. He even offered to make me a non-alcoholic version! This evening we are watching “Star Trek into Darkness” which we originally saw at the cinema a few years ago. Its one of the “prequels” and it’s quite entertaining.
As we watch our film, I notice that nearly all of the adverts (it’s on Channel 4) have been tailored to reflect that we are in lockdown. They depict people Skyping and phoning each other and being cheerful and resilient while social distancing. I was surprised to see how quickly they have changed, but I suppose it wouldn’t be appropriate to show people partying or travelling. Although of course in the Star Trek film they were shooting about all over the universe - maybe they shout his remake it in a Stay at Home version!  

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