Friday 1 March 2013


Jackie brought Noah in to school this morning and everyone was delighted to see him. I was on break duty and when I came indoors afterwards he looked up and saw me and gave me a huge smile of surprise and pointed me out to Jackie - I realised that of course he usually sees me at his house so he didn't realise that I work in the same place as his mummy! Then later he told Jackie that when he's older he is going to ask me to be his girlfriend! Isn't that the sweetest thing ever? He is so gorgeous!
This reminded me that about twenty years ago on holiday, at the age of three, Jamie asked our friend Heather to marry him! He had even thought out the timescales and said, "Not right now, maybe in twenty years." Well that twenty years is up, however Heather continues to be very happily married so Jamie's ambition will have to remain unrealised! 

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