Monday 18 March 2013

Dis quand reviendras tu?

Winter is not quite finished with us yet - showers of fine, powdery snow this afternoon, and a forecast of snow for tomorrow. I was on my way to speak to someone in another department when i happened to catch sight of someone familiar walking across a classroom that I was passing - it was my Davie in his Biology class! I paused to watch and there he was, happy and smiling, chatting to the teacher as they looked at some plants on the window ledge. It was lovely to see him looking so settled and confident. Luckily he didn't see me or he would have thought I was spying on him, which was not really my intention.
This evening James was in London and I worked on Duke of Edinburgh paperwork. I also watched a French film which I have been wanting to see for several years; Il y a longtemps que je t'aime. I recorded it the other night and as I didn't think it would really be James' tasse du thé, this was a good opportunity to watch it by myself. I loved it - so French! And not as downbeat as I expected either. One (huge) plot flaw still didn't spoil the film for me and I enjoyed it very much. I loved the Jean Louis Aubert song at the end and have downloaded it to my iPhone. So I have had a rather pleasant evening. When I came upstairs Ally was working away on a Law essay and Davie was pumping away with his weights! They are so sweet. 

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