Friday 29 March 2013


A lovely day. In the morning James and I went into town and did a bit of shopping, then we had a really delicious lunch in The Grill on the Corner. In the afternoon I was around the house; batch cooking ragu and making cookies under Cat's expert supervision. Cat gave me a cookie making kit for my birthday and I have been looking forward to making them for ages, it was great fun. And in the evening Jamie came home for the weekend and we all had dinner together then we watched the film Cloud Atlas. The boys all warned me to concentrate and not ask to pause the film or ask questions during it. This was quite cheeky of them because as it happens I am the only person here who has read the book! It's a while since I read it so I had forgotten some of the quite complicated plot with its multitude of story lines, but it all came back to me and I really enjoyed it. Everyone else enjoyed it too. What a great Friday. 

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