Monday 4 March 2013

Silly Susan

Well I did something very silly last night. I was reading and enjoying a book that Davie had read, called "The Knife of Never Letting Go". It was actually recommended to him by Zoey last summer in Greece and I was quite nosy to see what it was like. It's quite teenage and science fictiony but it's well written with a good, fast-paced plot. By coincidence Jennifer has also read it and thought it was good. Anyway, James had long gone to bed because he was getting up early this morning to fly to London. The boys all went to bed too, and I stayed up reading and reading. Before I knew it I had finished the book and it was 2.30 a.m. Oh dear. I hurried to bed (as quietly as possible so as not to wake James) and I knew that I would be tired this morning. But oh boy I had no idea how tired I would be! I was so exhausted that I wondered if I was ill instead of tired. I could barely get out of bed and the whole day I felt as if I was ready to drop. I did get some useful stuff done but I was annoyed with myself that I was not functioning at full strength. I perked up a bit at the end of the afternoon and when we got home we had an early tea. I am now heading to bed to catch up on my sleep; I have nobody but myself to blame for my foolish late night. By the way the book is part of a trilogy and I have downloaded the next one to my Kindle already! 

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