Friday 22 March 2013

Chilly Friday

It snowed quite heavily all day, although the roads remained clear. It has occurred to me that when this cold snap is over it will properly be Spring, which is a nice thought. And there is only a week to go until the Easter holidays! We have had a Friday evening curry while watching Madness perform outside the BBC television centre which will close at the end of this month.
Alasdair and I were very lucky to be given a tour of the BBC television centre a few years ago by Russell, Jennifer and the boys. We saw all the big studios, the weather centre, the news desk and of course the Blue Peter garden, complete with pet graves of Patch and Petra and the rest. It was really great and I'm hoping that Russell will give us a tour of his new offices in the centre of London some time.
Now James is watching the final episode of a series that he has recorded called "A Chopper is Born" He has watched 15 - yes 15 - episodes about a man building a helicopter from a kit and he is loving it!
Update at 11 p.m. I have just collected Ally from work and it is snowing even more heavily, beginning to lie on the roads! Ally was working at Hampden at the Scotland - Wales football match and he was absolutely freezing. To make matters worse he was trackside so he had to face the crowd and couldn't even watch the game! 

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