Wednesday 20 March 2013

Spring postponed

On the way to work David and I heard on the radio that today is the vernal equinox; officially the first day of Spring. But Spring is very late this year - no crocuses are out in the garden yet, and there are still lots of snowdrops. Tiny snowflakes whirled in the air all day and there was a cold, damp wind. No, it's not Spring yet.
At the shops today I met several people that I knew from sports projects or my previous workplace. It made me reflect that I have been working in the same area for twelve years and I have got to know parts of community quite well over the years. It is a nice feeling.
I was also thinking that I am not good at letting go of sad events in my life. I think of sad things every day prompted by the least reminder of the past, and I find that these reminders are everywhere, all the time. It's difficult to move forward. And anyway, if I think of moving forward it seems wrong to me, because after all my Mum can't move forward, her life is done. I also tend to find things less scary if I keep them in my mind, so that they can't creep up on me. That's why I liked the way that Juliette doesn't try to kid herself about what happened to her in "Il y a longtemps que je t'aime" which I watched on Monday. This may sound bleak but that's the way it is. Oh dear, I think that I need it to be Spring! 

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