Thursday 14 March 2013

The end of the road

I had a funny old sleep last night - I woke several times feeling relaxed and peaceful and drifted back off to sleep happily. I mention this because I am an extremely good sleeper (one of my few talents, but a good one!) and it's unusual for me to wake up during the night. I didn't suffer any ill effects from this and went off to work feeling quite chipper. Maybe I was wakeful because today was Davie's last chance at an English NAB and I worried about him all morning. By the afternoon it was all over - he has failed both NABs so no English Higher this year for him. It just doesn't make sense, he's so clever. I was really disappointed for him but in a way it's almost a relief, because he can now concentrate on his Maths and Science. David is genuinely pleased and relieved, and has already declared that he does not intend to repeat the course next year; he has checked all the university websites and assures me that the courses he is interested in do not require an English Higher; that his Int 2 will be sufficient. I have had a look this evening and I think he may be right. I am in two minds - I want him to have an English Higher because he is so literate that he deserves one, but if he hates it and doesn't need it then it might be pointless to insist. And his option form for 6th year needs to be signed tomorrow! Let's hope that all this thinking does not result in another wakeful night! 

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