Tuesday 12 March 2013

Snow and sunshine

The snow continued on and off all day yesterday but was interspersed with sun and blue skies; I got the impression it would disappear soon and so it did. This morning there were only a few lonely piles of snow left here and there in the car park. It was a pleasant day; busy but with lots of variety - meetings, teaching, swimming and interviewing! And a Duke of Edinburgh meeting at the end of the day. In the evening we watched yet more of Game of Thrones and Davie did yet more English past papers. James has decided not to go away hill-walking this weekend because his cough is so bad; he has had it for three weeks and it rattles his whole chest. I think he should go to the doctor but he says that the doctor wouldn't be able to help so he doesn't see the point in going. So at the weekend we are going to try to move forward on decorating (boo!) and maybe holiday planning (hooray!) And perhaps a trip to the cinema too. 

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