Sunday 24 March 2013

A trip down memory valley

We have been for a run up the Clyde Valley this afternoon with Grandma, a favourite and somewhat nostalgic trip for us Lanarkshire folk. The valley consists mainly of a river, a road and numerous garden centres. There are more now than ever and it is amazing to me that there is enough business for all of them. However they all seem to be thriving and the two that we visited this afternoon were doing a brisk trade in plants, shrubs and gifts such as plant pots, candles, cards, even clothes. Each garden centre has a coffee shop / restaurant attached and I noticed today how much nicer they are than in "the olden days" of the 70s and 80s, both in decor and in the variety and taste of the food. We came home without the raspberry plants that James was looking for because he couldn't find the particular variety that he wants, however he did get some very pretty anemones for the front garden and Grandma got some begonia bulbs that she was pleased with. All the colourful plants looked very cheery and spring like - although the weather is still very cold and there were some thin flurries of snow while we were there. A pleasant trip. 

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