Wednesday 27 March 2013

One Barium Swallow does not make a summer

I went over to the Southern General Hospital this morning for a Barium Swallow. It's the first time that I have ever had one of these and the purpose was to find out if I have a hiatus hernia I think. I arrived at the hospital in whirling snow and couldn't get parked, so I parked up on a kerb and inevitably got a parking ticket. I had to wait for ages but luckily I had my Kindle with me so I read my current book "Wolf Hall" by Hilary Mantel. It's so good. I was called through to the X ray at the same time as a wee old lady in a wheelchair and she was taken in first. I didn't say anything but it did occur to me that since she clearly wasn't going on to work it might have been helpful to take me first. Never mind. While I waited two men were wheeled into the waiting area on trolleys. Both started groaning dreadfully, along the lines of "For Christ's sake help me! Nurse, nurse!" I then happened to have a coughing fit and when I managed to stop coughing I noticed that both men had stopped whimpering and were watching me, no doubt wondering if I was going to cheer up their morning by expiring before their eyes. The X ray went fine and the drink that you have to swallow down during it was not as unpleasant as I had been told; it was chalky and tasteless. However I have been told that I can now look forward to producing an unflushable jobby. Oh dear! Although actually I really am quite looking forward to the experience! 

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