Tuesday 5 March 2013

Feeling a bit yucky

I pride myself on my usually robust good health so of course it is a blow to my pride when I feel unwell. I have had a sore head and throat for the last two days and today I actually left work early (I didn't have a class last period) because I felt so bad. I slept from 2 until 8 and then got up to have a bite to eat. Ally and Davie were watching a football match on television and didn't pay me any attention or give me any sympathy. Davie did make me a cup of tea in return for me helping him with the redraft of his reflective essay. Ally was also feeling unwell today and when I said that I hope I'll be better tomorrow like him, he replied darkly that he is not better and only got up to watch the football!
So now I'm on my way back to bed via a warm bath; I will take my night time lemsip capsules and gargle with oraldene which one of my colleagues recommended to me today. I will beat this dreaded lurgy! By the way "lurgy" is apparently a term originating from the Goon show in the 1950s which refers to an infectious but undefined illness! Quite appropriate I think! 

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